Google Maps vs Apple Maps - Which one to choose?

November 10, 2021

Google Maps vs Apple Maps - The Ultimate Showdown

The battle between Google Maps and Apple Maps has been raging on for a while now. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. But which one is better? The short answer is that it depends on your needs. In this post, we will compare both maps and provide an unbiased review for you to make the best decision.


When it comes to accuracy, Google Maps has a better reputation as compared to Apple Maps. Google Maps provides up-to-date information and has been around for longer, providing more detailed information. Apple Maps, on the other hand, has been criticized for inaccuracies and outdated information. But Apple has been working on improving accuracy for a while now and has come a long way.

User Interface

Google Maps has a clear and straightforward design with easy-to-understand icons and a simple interface. It's easy to navigate, and the app is quick to load. Apple Maps, on the other hand, has a sleek design and an updated interface that is super user-friendly. It provides a more personalized experience, learns your preferences and gives customizable suggestions, but at the cost of losing details in certain areas.


Both maps provide turn-by-turn navigation, but Google Maps has a more extensive and accurate database of locations, making it easier to find places. Furthermore, Google provides real-time traffic updates and suggests the fastest route to your destination based on current traffic conditions. Apple Maps, however, has improved in this area over the years and provides higher accuracy in providing the current live status about accidents, speed traps, and police activity around the route.


Google Maps provides users with several features such as Street View, public transportation schedules and real-time updates, which Apple Maps does not have. Google Maps also supports offline maps, allowing you to download maps of a specific area for use when there is no internet connection. Apple Maps, however, provides Flyover view, in which an area is rendered in 3D, showing buildings and landmarks. In this case, it depends on whether you prefer a more immersive map experience, or more utilitarian for finding directions.


Privacy has become a significant concern for users, especially when it comes to location data. Both Google Maps and Apple Maps collect users' data, but Apple focuses more on the privacy aspect. Apple provides a feature called "Significant Locations," which allows you to see what locations Apple Maps has tracked and delete them if needed. Google Maps, however, is more transparent on the data they collect and allow users to edit and modify them by themselves as well.


Both Google Maps and Apple Maps are free to use, but Google Maps provides an API that apps like Uber and Lyft use for their navigation, and these services charge a fee for using the Google Maps API for their navigation service.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, both Google Maps and Apple Maps have their advantages and disadvantages. Google Maps is better in terms of accuracy, speed and feature set, but Apple Maps has a more sophisticated design, interface, and focuses on user privacy. For users who rely on public transportation or prefer a more personalized map experience, Apple Maps might a better choice. However, if you require precise pinpoint accuracy for directions and locations, then Google Maps is the way to go.


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